Selected Value: 3
How do you rate the quality of the artists that you have seen (1 = Naff, 5 = Best ever!)
Selected Value: 3
How did our sound guy do? (1 = Get rid!, 5 = You’re not paying him enough!)
Selected Value: 3
How comfortable did you feel at the Marrs Bar? (1 = Never again! , 5 = I’d move in!)
Selected Value: 3
How do you think we do on pricing? (1 = Rip off!, 5 = ‘How do you do it so cheap?’)
We aim to make exceptional live music available to everyone throughout Worcestershire and the West Midlands!
Big or small, local or International – who would it be?
Do you remember anything else specific from the event – good or bad – that you would like to share?
Please leave your name if you are comfortable to do so.
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