Connecting you with exceptional live music experiences in the West Midlands
We hand-pick and showcase the best in original music from around the country spanning jazz, funk, fusion, R&B, soul and hip hop.
Most of the bands and musicians have played in London's top clubs including Ronnie Scott's, 606 Club and Pizza Express Jazz Club.
Music Spoken Here events are held every other Thursday at The Marrs Bar in Worcester.
At a time when everyone is feeling the pinch and the price of everything is increasing, we're doing things a bit different.
Find out more about how we are cutting our costs and keeping exceptional live music affordable to everyone with flexible options to support our project according to your budget.
Check out our growing list of exceptional artists who have performed on Music Spoken Here nights (many for the first time in Worcester) at The Marrs Bar
Gareth Brown
Laurie Lowe
Ric Elsworth
Robert Castelli
Pete Catada
Tristan Banks
Neil Bullock
Zoe Pascal
Leon Small
Andy Edwards
Jonno Gaze
Scott Hammond
Corrie Dick
Ian Thomas
Jeremy Stacey
Patrick Barrett-Donlan
Andy Goodall
Joel Barford
Cameron MacDougall
André Bayliss
Ewan Moore
Pete Adam Hill
Steve Taylor
Ruben Sheridan
Rick Finlay
Ollie Usiskin
Miles Levin
Nathan Shingler (2019)
Tom Potter (2016)
Oli Blake
Caio Mamberti
Mahendra Patel
Adam Osmianski
Yolanda Charles
Daisy George
Tiago Coimbra
Dave Edwards
Jonny Wickham
Andy Vincent
Davide Mantovani
Rob Statham
Reed Bass
Mark Hartley
Josh Vadiveloo
Greig Robinson
Caius Williams
Laurence Cottle
Pat Davey
Ursula Harrison
Liam Lee-Hynes
Conor Chaplin
Pete Earle
Ted Woodley
Benjamin Crane
Nick Pini
Flo Moore
Jason Simpson
Chris Attwell
Dave Jones
Mike Green
Kim Murray
Nick Linnik
Tom Ford
Rosie Frater-Taylor
Francesco LoCastro
Austin Shepherd
Roy Marchbank
Torin Davies
James Kitchman
Chris Allard
Paul Stacey
Will Cass
David Preston
John Roberston
Andy Thomas
Jack Duckham
Mike Outram
Pete Oxley
Hattie Whitehead
Guy D'Angelo
Hamish Balfour
Tom O'Grady
Marco Marconi
Laurence Fazakerley-Buglass
John Crawford
Sam Leak
Alex Wilson
Jay Verma
Faisal Ahmed
Dale Hambridge
Huw Warren
Tomasz Bura
Jason Rebello
Pete Case
Eddie Gripper
Ian Kindred
Roy Linton
Robbie Moore
Rebecca Nash
Danny Kean
Neil Angilley
Nicola Guida
Chris Eldred
Aurelius Sciuka
Tim Amann
Alex Hitchcock
Quinn Oulton
Matt Hill
Tom Smith
Laurence Wilkins
Sam Rogers
Dan Lockheart
Ruth Hammond
Joe Wright
Paul Booth
Ryan Quigley
Nichol Thomson
Tim Fulker
Lyndon Owen
Jihn Sanderson
Nye Banfield
Iain Ballamy
Guido Spannocchi
Phil Meadows
Callum Connell
Aaron Wood
Brandon Allen
Ollie Weston
Ray Butcher
Decosta Boyce
Leanne Sandy
Paris Ruel
Adeola Shyllon
Tarju Le'Sano
Lucy Sparks
Rebecka Edlund
Jodi Matthews
Josie Frater
Kemani Anderson
Hattie Whitehead
Check out The Vault, where you'll find interviews, videos and reviews of most of the gigs since March 2023
Listen to what people have to say about Music Spoken Here at The Marrs Bar
Check out our YouTube Channel for more videos from our shows
Already experienced a Music Spoken Here event yourself?
We'd love to know what you thought!